วันพุธที่ 29 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2557

My IT Devices

Game Boy Color
   This is the first Game Boy Color which my mother bought for me when I was (very) young. I'm not sure for the actual age I was given but I think I was about 10 years old. So long long times right !? For now, it already disappeared. I can't find it. Lol

BlackBerry Storm 3

     This is my mobile phone that I used. It is BlackBerry Storm 3. I used it for 3 years when I studied in high school. BlackBerry is well-known to everyone because its highlight is to chat with anyone who also have pin of friends. You can add friend by adding pin in the BB system and start to chat with anybody ! And if you suspect why I chose this generation or spec of BlackBerry, I would like to tell you that personally I like to use the mobile phone which has a large screen enough I can see.
So, this BB can meet my need. Moreover, the keyboard is also on both in the screen and I can slide the desktop to type the keyboard. It is convenient for me when I chat with friends.

     Well, I used it only 3 years and it had broken because I could not type on the screen.
So, I decided to sell it to the shop which offered me not bad price.

Next, I gonna show you the current mobile phone I'm using now.

BlackBerry Bold 9900

     This is BlackBerry Bold 9900. I still use the brand of mobile phone ,BlackBerry, not because I fall in love with this brand, but after the old one had broken my brother gave me your mobile phone that is this one. So, now I use his mobile phone and it belongs to me now. He gave me his mobile phone because he knew I did not have mobile phone to use. Moreover, he was looking for the new mobile phone which answer his need for entertainment and also work. So, he purchased iPhone 5 to chat and work which is provided in the same device.

     By the way, I do not buy the promotion of the BB package which I can chat with friends by adding pin and I do not buy for online package. I use this mobile phone for only calling , no text and online messaging anymore, because I decided to buy iPad 3 in 3 months later.

And this is my tablet I am using now.

iPad 3

   I always use iPad to contact with friends and also family. It provides me to chat with people using application e.g. Line, Messenger, or whatever application which I would like to try. So, I can say that I always stick with device because even when I am alone, but I can chat with people and also play games that I do not feel I am stay alone. It's nice !

Notebook : Dell

   Then, this is also my Notebook. I got this from my mother when I was being Freshmen in Assumption University. For now, I am already Senior. So, it is about 4-5 years that I use this device. Sometimes, you know when my PC is broken, I have to do anything in this notebook. I can use notebook instead of using PC one.